Habit Reversal Training & Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
In habit reversal training, we work on building awareness and understanding of what maintains the body-focused repetitive behavior. In treatment, clients engage in self-monitoring of the behavior to build lasting awareness. Once you develop awareness about your body-focused repetitive behavior, then we focus on coming up with competing responses that block the engagement of the BFRB. This will help you learn to tolerate the distress of the urge to engage in the unwanted behavior.
Self-monitoring: track the frequency and triggers of the unwanted behavior to identify patterns.
Awareness training: identify the early signs or sensations that happen before the unwanted behavior, such as a feeling of tension or an urge.
Competing response: Practice a deliberate, incompatible behavior to replace the unwanted habit when the urge arises.
Use relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing tools, meditation, & other mindfulness activities to manage stress that might trigger the habit.